THE SPECIAL REPRESENTANT OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT FOR THE HUMANS RIGHT IN TCHETCHENIE WILL TAKE PART A A CONFERENCE OF THE SOEC IN POLAND WARSAW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Nesterovitch). The representant special one of the Russian president for the humans right in Tchetchenie, Vladimir Kalamanov, will take share has a seminar of the SOEC and will meet policies and members of Parliament Polish. Vladimir Kalamanov east arrives Tuesday in the Polish capital. The conference " the monitoring of the humans right " intends for the employes of the representation of the Russian president in Tchetchenie east organizes by the Office of the democratic institutions and of the humans right (IDDL) of the organization for the security and the co-operation in Europe (SOEC), which is base has Warsaw. During one week, its participants will familiarize themselves with the world standards into force in this field. They will be also initiate with the working methods practical: monitoring of the humans right, examination of the concrete cases and the individual complaints, analyzes particular cases, etc. According to remarks' of Vladimir Kalamanov, the idee to hold this conference had been born approximately a year ago during a maintenance which it had had with the head of the Office of the IDDL. The program is about to be completed. On the whole, 38 specialists will have followed the training course. They all are of alive Tchetchenes in the republic and they are appeles has to work in the districts tchetchenes, in direct liaison with the population. The representant special one of president A also announces that in margin of the conference it intended to meet the head of the national Security Office close the Polish president and the leaders of the Polish ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. Vladimir Kalamanov will also go has the Diet (Lower House of the Polish Parliament), or it will discuss with his president and the representants of the parliamentary commitees in load of the humane questions and the humans right.