PARLIAMENT ESTONIEN DOES NOT JUDGE NECESSARY TO PRESERVE THE RUSSIAN COLLEGES TALLINN, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Veretennikov). On proposal of the coalition to the capacity, the Parliament estonien A pushes back Tuesday in premiere reading the amendments has the law " On the secondary schools and the colleges " deposes by the centre Party of opposition and aiming at the maintenance of the Russian colleges in the country after 2007-2008. This law supposes that into 2007-2008 nonthe autochtones will be able to obtain a basic instruction in their mother tongue and to then continue their studies in the colleges or teaching will be exemption only in the official language, it be-A-statement the estonien. Mikhail Stalnoukhine, members of the centre Party and joint author of the amendments push back, A declares has RIA " Novosti " that its party estimated that in the case present it is assimilation of the Russian children of which it agissaitt ". According to him, the application of this law goes same A the opposition to the interests of the school estonienne since " the massive arrivee of promoted Russian educational establishments knowing the official language insufficiently could quite simply entrainer its loss ". The depute east declares preoccupe by the fact that the autorites estoniennes do not assign a credit for the training of teachers for the Russian schools. According to its remarks, " today the colleges and the schools Russian do not know any more " or prendre"les professors of geography, physics, chemistry and other matters.