RUSSIA WILL TAKE AN ACTIVE SHARE WITH THE PROGRAM OF REEQUIPEMENT OF THE IRANIAN ARMEE MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Russia will take an active share reequipement has the implementation of the program of of the forces armees Iranian prevu for 25 years, works out by the leaders of the country into 2000 in order to face has the unstable situation and explosive which prevaut in the area, has advertisement the Russian ministry of Defense. With the premiere stage of the program, they will be the deliveries in Iran of defensives conventional weapons within the framework of four cooperation agreements technico-soldier master keys between 1989 and 1991. Russia had them realisees only partly, because of the Gore-Tchernomyrdine agreement which remained in force of 1995 has December 2000. After having denonce this extremely desavantageux document for it, Russia proposes to show its deliveries of weapons in Iran, strict conformity with the national legislation and its international engagements. It is in particular prevu to deliver to the Iranian forces armees more than 570 tanks T-72S, a thousand of vehicules of transport of personnel, anti-air installations, as of technical documentations destinees has to organize the production of weapons in Iran. The coOet of these delivery is regard has 1,5 billion dollar. Under the steps, it is prohibited A Iran to give to third countries the Russian licences until 2011, has one indicates to the ministry for Defense. Within the framework of these same agreements, it is also prevu to deliver has Iran of the ammunition of aviation and the spare parts for the Mig-29 and Known-25MK apparatuses. One also plans to take again the Russian technical aid in the creation and the definitif equipment of the infrastructures cotieres for the submarines of project 877EKM. In the middle of the current year, Moscow should conclude with Teheran one cinquieme cooperation agreement technico-soldier. The nomenclature of the armaments and the Russian weaponries whose deliveries could debuter into 2002 would comprise the batteries of anti-air missiles S-300PMU and other anti-air complexes, radars, the planes modernize Mig-29 and Known-27, of the high-speed motorboats carry-missiles, unloading and patrol. Currently, Iran possede 24 Mig-29 apparatuses and 12 apparatuses 24MK, three submarines diesel of project 877EKM, 422 tanks T-72S, 413 vehicules blinds, of the batteries of anti-air missiles S-200 and Vega-E, as well as other weaponries of manufacture Russian.