VIKTOR TCHERNOMYRDINE WILL MAKE IN MOTONEIGE PART OF THE WAY OF THE " GREAT FORWARDING OF NORTH " MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Ekaterina Efremova /. the depute has Douma Viktor Tchernomyrdine will make in motoneige part of the way of the Great Scandinavian forwarding organisee under the old people's homes of UNESCO. In a maintenance grants has RIA " Novosti " the Russian ex-first minister, which is a president of the international Steering Committee of forwarding, has advertisement that Wednesday it would take the plane for Mourmansk and that Scandinavian Forwarding debuterait on March 16 of Zapoliarny, one quotes situee not far from this city. The premiere started from forwarding will be deroulera in motoneiges. " With the principal group and has dimension of the head of forwarding I will pass until A the border norvegienne ", has precise Mr. Tchernomyrdine. Then, forwarding will advance in sledges cars by dogs but the ex-first minister will have to already leave the travellers, which he " regrets much ", according to him. This group of browsers of North will pass in sledges along the Polar circle on the Scandinavian terriroires of Russia, of the United States (Alaska), of Canada, of Denmark (Greenland), of Iceland, of Norway, of Sweden and Finland. Forwarding is dirigee by the regular member of the geographic Company Russian Serguei Soloviev. Among the travellers, one finds the doctor and administrator of the group, Vladimir Rybine and the " kaiour " (to notch) Filippe Ardeiev. The second group of forwarding will be deplacera in transport mecanic. Y will form to part a artist-painter, a photographer, a redactor and an operator of video turnings. The contact with the rest of the world will be maintained by means of the satellite connection. In 1982-1983, Soloviev and its team had covered in sledges of dogs more than 10 000 kilometres, within the framework of Scandinavian forwarding organizes by a newspaper. The principal goal of forwarding is to draw the attention of official circles, the businessmen and the opinion to the problems of Russian North. According to members' of forwarding, it is necessary to make much to develop its cultural and educational base.