MOSCOW INSISTS ON THE NECESSITE TO STANDARDIZE THE SITUATION IN THE TERRITORIES PALESTINIANS MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Anna Wound /. Moscow insists on the necessite to urgently standardize the situation in the Palestinian territories and this, has the occasion of the blockade of the town of Ramallah. Like RIA " Novosti " in A ete informee aupres of the Department of the information and press of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia, Moscow considers it necessary to retablir the effective co-operation of the parts as regards security. Russia exhorte Palestinians and Israeliens has to show maximum of reserve and of common sense, has to avoid, has any price, the climbing ulterieure of the conflict, has note the Department of the information and the press of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia. According to information coming from the Palestinian territories, the town of Ramallah is practically completely encerclee and this, with the use of heavy the materiel military. An attempt of the Palestinians to break the stoppings is soldee by new victims. Insulation always more severe of the Palestinian territories makes only poke even more the tension in the palestino-israeliens reports/ratios and worsens the already difficult economic situation, points out the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia.