MILITIA DAGHESTANAISES STILL HAVE ARRETE A CRIMINAL TCHETCHENE MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the agents of the Interior of Daghestan have arrete on March 13 Said Khassouiev against which a federal mandate of search had ete lance to have made particularly serious crimes. Member of the criminal associations installation by Chamil Bassaiev and Khattab, it had participle has the mutiny armee on the territory of the district of Botlikh, in Daghestan, according to spokesman's of the Interior daghestanais. He has ete arrete when he tried penetrer in Tchetchenie coming from Kalmoukie. During other operations lancees on the territory of Kalmoukie, the agents of the Interior have arrete, has Artezian, his/her father Batrouddine Amirkekov. Assistant head of the Service of security of the Confederation of the people of the Caucasus, it had taken share has raids weapons against the federal troops.