IN LONDON, ONE A REAGI " WITH JOY " A ADVERTISEMENT OF THE ARREST OF TWO TERRORISTS TCHETCHENES WHO HAD CONCEALED THREE BRITISH LONDON, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. In Great Britain, one has reagi " with joy " has the advertisement of the arrest of two terrorists tchetchenes, Rouslan Akhmadov and Badroudi Mourtazaiev, which had enleve and keep silent in Tchetchenie three British and Neo-Zelandais. As A indicates has RIA " Novosti " the official spokesman of Foreign Office, the families of kill in have already ete informees. According to the diplomat, " the British part does all that is in its capacity to help " the enqueteurs and maintains the close contacts with the Russian autorites by the means of the British embassy has Moscow. The terrorists tchetchenes Rouslan Akhmadov and Badroudi Mourtazaiev had ete arretes a few days ago in Azerbaidjan, in a special operation menee jointly by the police force Russian and azerbaidjanaises. Currently, the investigation seeks has to establish if the arretes have ete imply in other crimes.