THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN EAST CONVINCES HIMSELF THAT IN RUSSIA ALL THE CONFESSIONS ARE RESPECTEES MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Piotr GONTCHAROV, Evgueni ZAINABETDINOV /. Iranian president Mohammad Khatami east is convinced during its talks has Moscow that the direction of the Federation of Russia respects the representants of all the pratiquees confessions in Russia. The Iranian president A states Tuesday with the journalists has the end of his meeting with the president of the Council of the muftis of Russia, the sheik Ravil Gainoutdine. Mohammad Khatami A expresses the certainty which the Russian leaders do all what is necessary to retablir the religious life and to improve the standard of living of the Moslems, just like of the representants of other religions. The Moslems of Russia make a considerable contribution to the development of the Federation of Russia, A declares with conviction the Iranian president.