PAVEL BORODINE SE FINDS IN THE CIVIL HOSPITAL OF BROOKLYN MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the executif secretary of the Union Russia-Belorus, Pavel Borodine, is in the civil Hospital of Brooklyn and is the subject of a complete medical examination. Like let know the girl of Pavel Borodine, Ekaterina, in an interview has the Radio " Maiak ", his/her father still does not go well, although the premieres analyses do not have confirms the infarction. For the moment, the doctors do not make a definitif diagnosis, has it says. In 8 hours, still two analyses will be made, and then, there will undoubtedly be more clarte. It espere that, already as of today, the doctors will be able to establish the diagnosis and to indicate a necessary processing. The girl of Borodine as has announces as still last Saturday, by telephone, his/her father had complained about his bad general state.