A FALL WORLD CUP A VILLAGE IN KARATCHAIEVO-TCHERKESSIE MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. a rock which east collapses Tuesday on the automobile road Psemen-Pkhia, in the Russian republic north-caucasienne of Karatchaievo-Tcherkessie, has world cup the village of Pkhia, has advertisement the service of press of the federal ministry of the emergency Situations. According to the service of press, this accident did not make victims. The local diesel power station possede a fuel stock and the villagers are approvisionnees in denrees food. The specialists of the ministry who are arrive Tuesday on the spot of the accident seek has determiner the power of the explosions has to carry out to clean the road of the fall which 40 meters is long and high of 7.