THE RUSSIAN MINISTER FOR DEFENSE SPEAKS WITH THE DEPUTES ABOUT GUARANTEE LEGISLATIVE ABOUT REFORMS ARMEE MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. the Russian Minister for Defense Igor Sergueiev held Tuesday a meeting of work with the leaders of the parliamentary groups and the heads of the committees of Douma. As A announces the official spokesman of the ministry for Defense, the participants has this meeting have master key in review the problems having milked has the legislative guarantee of national defense. They have precise in addition the questions of the coordination of the activities of the Lower House of the Parliament and the ministry in order to ensure successes of reforms armee lancee by president Vladimir Poutine. According to them, one of the most significant conditions of the success of this reforms is the development of a coherent system and precis of laws correspondents. In particular, it is necessary that are adoptees within the best times the laws " On the emergency state ", " On the principles of the non-military national service of alternative ", " the martial law " and other acts legislatifs. The minister and the deputes also have stresses that by seeking the desired level of the defensive capacity of the country it is necessary to avoid " narrowly political " approaches because the sphere of the military security of the State must be free from any economic situation.