MOSCOW GREETS THE ENTREE OF UNITS OF YUGOSLAV ARMEE IN THE ZONE OF SECURITY MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Moscow greets an agreement records between the command of the KFOR and the direction of the Coordinating committee of the governments Yugoslav and Serb on the command of the entree of units of Armee and font Yugoslavians in the zone of security, buffer zone has the border between Yugoslavia and Macedoine. It is what one reads in particular in the declaration of Alexandre Iakovenko, spokesman of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia. The document stresses that this measurement " is appelee has to short cut to the illicit intrigues of the Albanian terrorists weapons which are cut off in the South from Serbia ". In same time, points out Iakovenko, Moscow expects has what, " in the immediate one, all the other sectors of the zone of security pass, them also, under Yugoslav control ". The spokesman of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia has note that the decision on the entree of units of Armee and font Yugoslavians in the zone of security, buffer zone has the border between Yugoslavia and Macedoine, temoignait explicitly of the recognition owing to the fact that the guarantee of a security sOere in this area is indeed impossible without the immediate participation of the Yugoslav autorites, makes that we have more than one once announces. According to the Russian diplomacy, only has it, the command of the KFOR still does not arrive has to discharge this spot. Moscow also took note with satisfaction of engagements of cease-fire of the Albanians of Presevo, reads one in the document. The ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia espere that known as engagements would be strictly respect, said Iakovenko. " the agreement on a cease-fire is appele has creer essential conditions has the implementation of the program for desamorcer the crisis in the South of Serbia, program proposes jointly by the governments of Yugoslavia and of Serbia ", estimates the diplomacy Russian.