THE CRIMINAL WHO A TAKEN AS HOSTAGES THE VISITORS OF A COFFEE OF ROAD TO THE DAGHESTAN REFUSES TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS MAKHATCHKALA, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Dekabr Beiboutov /. the criminal who took as hostages the visitors of a coffee of road in the district of Khasaviourt of the Russian republic north-caucasienne of Daghestan refuses to enter into negotiations and for the moment does not formulate claims, has advertisement the local font. The senior police officer in service A confirms that the criminal does not have accomplices. Among the hostages, one would count a woman and some people forming part of the personnel of the establishment and of which the number remains has preciser, according to him. The criminal whose personality is not established yet made his act in the coffee " Paris " locates has the entree village of Osmaniourt, on the automobile road Khasaviourt-Aksai-Babaiourt-Kizliar. Osmaniourt has a significant population tchetchene.