THE HEAD OF COMPANY PETROLIERE OF TIOUMEN (TNK), SEMEN KOUKS, ALLOWED A DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF BUSINESSES AMERICANO-RUSSE WASHINGTON, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Arkadi ORLOV /. the president of the Company petroliere of Tioumen (TNK), Semen Koukes, became the representant first of Russia has to be allowed with the Council of the directors of the Council of businesses americano-Russian, has advertisement Tuesday the president of the CAAR, Eugene Lowson. The Council of businesses americano-Russian is the largest organization of the sector americain deprives. It reunit 260 companies and groups which operent on the Russian market. The admission of a representants of the TNK has the direction of the CAAR is the result of the efforts produced by the Council to amplify the participation of the mediums of businesses and of the Russian companies to the work of this organization which " proposes to reinforce the commercial contacts between the United States and Russia and to consolidate the positions of the businessmen americains on the Russian market ", A declares Eugene Lowson. The Council fills of the functions of coordination and consulting. It prepare in particular of the recommendations has the intention of the governments of the two countries to support the surge of investments americains deprive on the Russian market.