THE PLAIN ARAB EMIRATES HAVE ACHETE OF THE RUSSIAN ARMAMENTS FOR 1 BILLION DOLLAR Abu Dhabi, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Igor KOUZNETSOV /. the plain Arab Emirates have achete has Russia of the armaments for more than 1 billion dollar, has advertisement Tuesday Saudi newspaper " Al-Sharq Al-Awsat ". In 1992 and 1996, they had sign an agreement on the purchase of 400 and 200 vehicules cross-country blinds respectively, note the newspaper. Under the terms of these contracts, the moitie of the amount was to be employe has to deaden the Russian debt towards the Emirates. Speaking about the co-operation militaro-technique between the Emirates and Russia, the newspaper has rappele that the first contract of purchase of armaments had ete sign with the USSR in 1987: it related to the systems of DCA " Igla ". In addition, the author of the article evokes the new contracts, in particular that concluded last and bearing May on the delivery of 50 lance-fusees mobiles from DCA " Pantsir-1 " and fusees from DCA " Toungouska-1M ".