THE MINISTRY FOR BUSINESSES ETRANGERES OF THE FEDERATION OF RUSSIA A MAKES A STATEMENT A THE EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES A MOSCOW ABOUT BUSINESS BORODINE MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia made a statement has the embassy of the United States has Moscow about the Borodine business. Like RIA " Novosti " in A ete informee aupres of the ministry, Russian diplomacy A expresses " a serious preoccupation by the health " of Pavel Borodine. One in particular reads, in this document, that on last 10 March, Borodine had a faintness, while complaining about the difficulties to breathe, the evils of tete and a general weakness. " In other words, in fact symptoms pre-empt an infarction ". March 12, of the signs of ischemy are again manifest, and, for this reason, Pavel Borodine has ete hospitalizes. " That proves that by examining the case Borodine, including its possible release under guarantee or guarantee, it is perfectly necessary to take in line of account the humane aspect, thing which we have more than one once signalee has the americaine part ", indicates the statement, made by the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia has the embassy of the United States has Moscow. The Russian diplomacy holds has to point out that the transfer of Pavel Borodine in hospital had ete carries out in total discretion so that neither official Russian nor lawyers of Borodine had of it ete formless during a good moment. " It is only after requests many and insistent of the Russian part that it learned or was precisely Pavel Borodine and could see it. " All while saying preoccupee has this occasion, the Russian part espere that the autorites americaines will not allow such incidents in the future ", is it underlines in the statement, made by the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia has the embassy of the United States has Moscow.