THE COURT OF AUDITORS OF RUSSIA A DRAWS UP THE ASSESSMENT OF A CONTROL OF THE RECUPERATION OF THE NUCLEAR SUBMARINES MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Venediktov). **time-out** from here some day, the president of Court of Auditors of Russia, Serguei Stepachine, inform the president Russian, Vladimir Poutine, of result of a control of recuperation of submarine nuclear desaffectes, A announce Tuesday Vladimir Oulianov, load of to that of bottom expenditure for the defense main road, during a meeting of committee for the security and the defense of Consulting of Federation (Upper House haute of Parliament Russian). Only 39 of the 158 nuclear submarines desaffectes have ete makes recuperes of it, according to Vladimir Oulianov. The latter six years, the Court of Auditors has verifie 1.264 fortifications and records offences for 12,3 billion roubles (a dollar is worth nearly 28,5 roubles).