CONGERS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CUS OF RUSSIA SE WILL HOLD A STAVROPOL NEXT JUNE ESSENTOUKI, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edgar Saroian). Congers of the people of the south of Russia devotes in particular to the problems of the re-establishment of peace in the Caucasus of North, will be held has Stavropol next June. That has ete decide Tuesday, at a meeting of the leaders of the Slavic communities of the south of Russia, which took place has Essentouki (the Caucasus of North) under the presidency of representant plenipotentiaire of the Russian president in the Southern federal area, Viktor Kazantsev. The leaders reunis has Essentouki also have decide creer the Council of coordination of the Slavic communities aupres of the office of representant plenipotentiaire.