THE LOSSES OF CONSECUTIVE RUSSIAN EXPORTS A THE WIDENING OF THE EUROPEAN UNION CAN GO FROM 250 A 300 MILLION DOLLARS PER ANNUM MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre IVACHTCHENKO /. the losses of consecutive Russian exports has the widening of the European Union by admission of the Central European country and Eastern, former members of the Comecon, can go from 250 A 300 million dollars per annum, according to experts' of the Russian ministry of the economic Development and the Trade. The consequential damage will be, in this case, even more significant than the direct damage. As has it more than one once underlines the specialists of the ministry, the losses will be consecutive has the obligation of new the adherents of the UE to begin for the restrictions concerning Russian exports which are currently in force in the UE. The influence which the widening of the European Union will exert on the trade with Russia is infallibly the subject of the Russo-European consultations on the most various levels. In addition, Russia examines these problems with the countries which pretendent has the admission has the European Union.