THE WITHDRAWAL OF TCHETCHENIE OF THE UNITS OF THE MILITARY AREA OF MOSCOW WILL BEGIN WEDNESDAY MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov). The withdrawal of Tchetchenie of the units of the military Area of Moscow will begin Wednesday, has advertisement general Igor Pouzanov, controlling military Area of Moscow. According to the plan works out by the general staff of the Russian forces armees and the command of the military Area of Moscow, it is prevu to withdraw a thousand of soldiers from here April 1. The units of infantry motorisee of the military Area of Moscow which will be retirees of Tchetchenie will return in the places of their permanent parking. The troops will be retirees of Tchetchenie with their armaments and them materiel of war, including the tanks and artillery. Part of the weapons and materiel of the units of infantry motorisee of the military Area of Moscow will remain in Tchetchenie and could be employee by manpower of the 42-e division of infantry motorisee which will be stationnee permanently in Republic of Tchetchenie, A indicates Igor Pouzanov. One representant general staff of Russia A declares that the withdrawal starts 7e brigade of infantry motorisee of the military Area of Siberie would not affect the possibilities of the federal forces in the operation antiterrorist. The reduction of the troops in Tchetchenie relates to mainly the units of the ministry for Defense. The units of the troops of the Interior and the FSB (federal Service of security) will not be reduites. On the contrary, the grouping of the FSB will be reinforces. Not a long time ago, the units of the ministry for Defense forming part of the grouping of the federal forces in strong Tchetchenie of 80 000 men counted approximately 40 000 soldiers.