THE RUSSIAN EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS SUPERIEUR WILL ADMIT 4 000 FOREIGN STUDENTS MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Barychnikova). The Russian educational establishments will admit this year 4 000 foreign students who will make their studies with the expenses of the federal budget, has advertisement the Minister for the Teaching of Russia. Approximately 40 % of the students will learn the technical trades, the others, medicine and sciences humane. More than 400 citizens of the Baltic States and the CEI and 3470 students of other foreign countries will make their studies in Russia. The States of the CEI unceasingly request the ministry for Businesses etrangeres and the ministry for the Teaching of the Federation of Russia to increase the number of purses for their citizens at the schools superieures of Russia. In regle general, the universities of these countries do not train the necessary specialists for the development of their national industry. Approximately 60 000 foreign students make every year their studies in Russia, including 90 % on contract.