UKRAINE A THE INTENTION TO CONTRIBUTE A THE RESUMPTION OF THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE GEORGIE AND THE ABKHAZIE KIEV, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Demidenko). The Ukraine will contribute has the resumption of the dialogue between Georgie and Abkhazie, A declares, before its departure for Crimee, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Anatoli Zlenko. The minister ukrainien will take part has the opening, March 15, of the 3rd meeting abkhazo-georgienne for the development of measurements of confidence between Georgie and Abkhazie. Opinion of Anatoli Zlenko, the abkhazo-georgiens reports/ratios is complex. The Ukraine which preside currently the Security Council of UNO A already carries out a work prealable in order to clear up the positions of Tbilissi and Soukhoumi. Moreover, the minister ukrainien of the Businesses etrangeres estimates that it is still premature to make forecasts on the results of the next talks of the parts.