RUSSIA AND DENMARK WILL CONTINUE THEIR CONTACTS ABOUT THE PROBLEMS OF STABILITY AND SECURITY STRATEGIQUES MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia and Denmark intend to take again soon their dialogue on all the urgent problems, including strategic stability and the security. An agreement on this subject intervened during negotiations which took place today with the Danish Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Mogens Lykkentoft, A declares with the journalists the head of the Russian diplomacy Igor Ivanov. " It is extremement significant to do it on all the aspects: those or the positions of our countries coincident and those or there are differends ", A underlines Igor Ivanov. " It is only thus, by means of the dialogue and taking into account the mutual interests, that one can arrive at the mutually acceptable solutions ", estimates the minister Russian. According to Igor Ivanov, the parts will do the utmost of efforts in order to intensify the political dialogue, in particular on the high level. The contacts will intensify as well within the framework of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres as within the framework of other departments, A indicates the minister. Ivanov A also declares that the ministers were felicites re-establishment of trade between the two countries. The minister has rappele that the turnover of the exchanges was, the year derniere of a billion dollar. The parts were appropriate " to contribute to the development of the economic and commercial contacts and regler the problems which emerge ". Mogens Lykketoft pointed out, has its turn, as Moscow and Copenhagen were going to as well extend their bilateraux reports/ratios in policy as in the economy at the level not only federal, but also subregional.