ONE WEEK OF POLAND IS OPEN A NIJNI NOVGOROD NIJNI NOVGOROD, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Janna Voronova). One week of Poland A starts has Nijni Novgorod, on the Volga, with the assistance of the Polish ministry of the Economy, of the foundation " Poland today ", of the embassy of Poland in Russia and of the administration of the area of Nijni Novgorod, has advertisement Tuesday the director of the department of the economic links exterieurs and the resources of the regional administration Valeri Evlampiev. The Polish official delegation is led by the vice-First minister and minister of the Economy Janusz Steinhoff. Poland is one of the significant partners of the area of Nijni Novgorod in Eastern Europe and Centrale, has note Valeri Evlampiev. The share of Poland in the commercial deals of the area effectuees with countries of Eastern Europe and Centrale depasse 32 percent. Thus, in 2000, trade between the area of Nijni Novgorod and Poland have increases by 78 percent compared to 1999 to constitute 25 million dollars. The national exposure " It is Poland " will be deroulera within the framework of the week of this country has Nijni Novgorod. Y will be representees 53 companies and Polish organizations of various economic sectors of which the wire factory " ARIANE ", the company of cosmetic " the Pollena ", an agricultural functioning of the wholesalers, laboratories of dermatology and cosmetology, companies producing of the boilers, the radiators, the foodstuffs and the computers. The program of the Week prevoit also of the talks between the Polish delegation and the autorites regionales and those of the federal area of the Volga, as well as negotiations of the businessmen Russian and Polish. The organizers of this event have prevu the holding of seminars and tables round for the official ones, the mediums of businesses, the cultural and scientific personalities. The cultural program of the Week is also load. The visitors will be able to assist have defiles of mode, have exposures of the posters and have a festival of Polish films.