IGOR IVANOV: SHOULD BE THOUGHT NOT A THE WIDENING OF NATO BUT A THE CONSTRUCTION OF A EUROPEAN MODEL OF SECURITY MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Kristina Rodriguez, Elena Glouchakova /. Currently, it is necessary to think not has the widening of NATO but has the construction of a European model of security, A declares at the time of a press conference the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres at the end of its negotiations with its Danish counterpart Mogens Lykketoft. " We are open has such a debate ", has it says. During these negotiations, Igor Ivanov A again stresses that Russia decides against the widening of NATO has Is. Nobody can explain us why NATO must widen whereas the " cold war " already ended, has it indicates. The countries of Europe are not divided any more by ideologic barriers nor by blocks militaro-policies, A still estimates the head of the Russian diplomacy. Russia was not posed for objective to convince the Danish part of no matter what is in the matter, has it precise adding that Moscow made only expose its positions. Igor Ivanov has debattu with his Danish colleague of the problems having milked to the maintenance of strategic stability in the world.