THE FRACTION " UNIT " WILL NOT TAKE PART IN THE VOTE OF CENSURE A THE REGARD OF THE GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arina Dovgan). The fraction " Unit " has decide to boycott the vote of censure has the regard of the government. Boris Gryzlov, leader of the fraction, A declare: " We have decide not to vote on this subject ". " Unit " invites all the deputes of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament)) has not to vote. Gryzlov is certain that motion of censure has regard of government will be not adopted Wednesday, although it does not exclude that the 108 deputes, whose signatures have ete apposees under the letter on the mefiance with the government, take part in the vote. Gryzlov A qualifies the initiative to vote a motion of censure has the regard of the government of " political joke of the fraction of the KPRF " (Communist Party the Federation of Russia).