RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR POUTINE A RECEIVED INVITATION A SE TO RETURN IN OFFICIAL VISIT TO DENMARK MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova, Kristina Rodrigues). Mogens Lykketoft, Minister Danish for the Businesses etrangeres, A invites Russian president Vladimir Poutine has to go in official visit of State to Denmark. The Foreign Minister of Denmark let know Tuesday during the common press conference with his counterpart Igor Ivanov which took place has the exit of the negotiations of Moscow. According to Lykketoft, Copenhagen awaits impatiently the meeting with the Russian president, like his negotiations with the direction of the European Union (UE) has Stockholm. Danish minister A stresses that during the Danish presidency of the European Union which will start in the second 2002 half of, Copenhagen will always considerera Russia like a priority partner of the UE, as that has ete recently declares by Sweden.