THE RUSSIAN MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT ARE PREOCCUPES BY THE PERSECUTIONS WHOSE MAKE THE OBJECT THE MEMBERS OF THE YUGOSLAV OPPOSITION MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arina Dovgan). The deputes has Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) are preoccupes by the persecutions whose make the object the members of the Yugoslav socialist Party of opposition. It is what comes from declarer Nikolai Ryjkov, president of the Commission of Douma for competition for A-grade officials Yugoslavia after the aggression of NATO. The Russian deputes have the impression which people who have accede with the capacity in Yugoslavia has the exit of the elections of September and of December 2000, after having made countryside in favour of the defense of the democratie, now have the repression of the opposition for objective. This impression is confortee by the calls has to deliver to the international court for ex-Yugoslavia former president Slobodan Milosevic. The court does not hold absolutely account of the crimes perpetres by NATO nor of the fixed prices to which deliver themselves the Albanian extremists to Kosovo. According to the Russian depute, the increasing agressivite of the Albanian extremists confirms their culpability in the tragedie of Kosovo. The persecutions whose Slobodan Milosevic is the object are an attempt to bleach the Albanian separatists and to charge all the responsibility to the Serb ones.