IRAN WILL PRODUCE A RUSSIAN MINIBUS AND A VAN NIJNI-NOVGOROD, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Janna VORONOVA /. the Iranian automobile factories " Diesel Iran Khodro " and automobile Factories G.A.Z. of Nijni-Novgorod have decide to reconsider their project of assembly of vans " GAZel ", has advertisement the service of press of the factories of the city on the Volga. In 1999, when the partners had put themselves has the realization of their project, the parts for 20 vans " GAZel " had ete livrees with the Iranian partner. But the project was suspended because of the technical and financial problems. Now, a common working group has ete cree. It was seen granting one month to complete the development of the technical elements of the project. The partners study the possibility of the production in Iran of vans " GAZel " and minibus " GAZ-32213 ". The vehicules will be assemble has the factory of " Khawar Industrial Group " which is in the suburbs of Teheran and fact part of " Iran Khodro Diesel ". During the premiere year, factories G.A.Z. will provide has their Iranian partner the parts for 3 000 cars. In three years, the production must be portee has 10 000 cars per annum.