THE REINFORCEMENT OF TOTAL AND REGIONAL STABILITY AND THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITY IS A TOP PRIORITY FOR RUSSIA AND IRAN Moscow, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia and Iran estimate that the reinforcement of regional and world strategic stability as well as international security, the guarantee of the principles of the equality, reciproque respect and mutually advantageous co-operation in the world are priorities of the hour. During the talks held today between the heads of the diplomacies Russian and Iranian, Igor Ivanov and Kamal Kharrazi are initially lean on the theme strategic stability, one learned from sources worthy of faith to the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. In the opinion of the two ministers, the strict respect by all the States of the commitments entered into within the framework of the agreements and drafts signs in the sphere of the security and, on this basis, the catch of measurements aiming at the reduction of the armaments and desarmement are indispensable conditions to arrive at the objectives susmentionnes. Under this report/ratio, the heads of the diplomacies Russian and Iranian have announces the actualite maintenance and respect of the Draft ABM of 1972 which is a fundamental element of strategic stability what has confirms the reductions of offensive armaments strategic of these dernieres decennies. The parts have expresses their preoccupation face has the threat of destruction of this Draft by the United States which wants deployer a national system of strategic anti-missile defense. The destruction of Draft ABM of 1972 could carry reached has the security of all the international community, to desarmement block the process of nucleaire and to start again the arms race, estimate the heads of the diplomacies of the two countries. The presidents Russian and Iranian have stresses during their recent talks all the importance of the resolution of the General meeting of UNO on the maintenance and the respect of adopted Draft ABM has broad a majorite what temoigne broad support international brings has this document, one pointed out with the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres.