RUSSIA AND IRAN HAVE CONDEMNS THE EXTREMISME OF THE LEADERS OF MOVEMENT " TALIBAN " MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Russia and Iran have condemns the extremism of the leaders of the movement " Taliban " who still do not give up their projects of military solution of the Afghan problem, do not give up has their support of international terrorism and the traffic of drug. According to the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia, such a standpoint with respect to the Afghan problem has ete exposee, Tuesday, during negotiations between the heads of the diplomacies Russian and Iranian, respectively Igor Ivanov and Kamal Kharrazi. Besides that, the ministers have condemns massive ethniques purifications effectuees by the taliban, as well as the grossieres violations by this mode of the same standards of the international humane right. Igor Ivanov and Kamal Kharrazi also have insists on the necessite to respect has the letter resolution 1333 of the Security Council of the United Nations so that all the conditions are, finally, reunies for the peaceful payment of the Afghan crisis.