SERGUEI STANKEVITCH BENEFICIE MORE OF THE STATUTE OF REFUGIE WARSAW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Nesterovitch). Serguei Stankevitch, former adviser of Russian president Boris Eltsine, has ete deprives of its statute of refugie. In 1997, Serguei Stankevitch, which was then in Poland, had ete shows by the Parquet floor of Russia to have percu a substantial bribe. Having answered by negative A the request for extradition deposee by the Russian legal bodies, the Polish autorites had grants has Serguei Stankevitch the statute of refugie. Stankevitch not being more accuses, the services of Polish migration have regard that there was no more no reason so that it continues of beneficier of the statute of refugie. Serguei Stankevitch does not intend to re-enter to Russia, it would wish to remain in Poland within the framework of the common legislation.