THE REPRESENTANTS OF 59 NATIONALITIES OF EX-UNION SOVIETIQUE HAVE ETE DEPORTES A THE TIME OF RE-PRESSED MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Natalia Byrkina). 59 nationalities of the Sovietique ex-Union have ete deportees completely (11) or partially (48) A the time of re-pressed political, has advertisement Tuesday, at the time of a point of press to the Russian of the Interior, Elena Tanenberg, vice-presidente ministry of the Center of rehabilitation of the victims of re-pressed political ministry for the Interior. Two thirds of the people rehabilitees are Germans of the Volga. Kalmouks, Karatchais, Tchetchenes, Ingouches and Tatars de Crimee also have ete rehabilites, let know Elena Tanenberg.