EGOR STROIEV JUDGES EXTREMEMEMENT ENGRAVES THE SITUATION IN THE BALKANS MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Venediktov). " One should not let the fire be propagated in Balkans ", A declares the president of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament) Egor Stroiev, at the end of his meeting has Moscow with the president of the Room of the deputes of Cyprus Spyros Kyprianou. According to remarks' of Egor Stroiev, this time UNO would not know recuser with regard to the payment of the Balkan problem. The Council of Europe also should take initiatives to him on this subject. The president of the Council of the federation east states himself convinced that the events which are deroulent on the border with Mecedoine are a " corollary of the demence with which the problem of Kosovo has ete gere ". According to its remarks, during the bombardments of Yugoslavia by NATO, it was already obvious that " the things are not arreteraient in only Kosovo ". The attempts undertaken has the time for regler the problem while resorting has the force armee made only " declencher a fire in Balkans and it is necessary to do everything for empecher which it is not propagated ".