FOR THE MOMENT ALL IS CALM IN THE ZONE OF SECURITY IN THE CUS OF SERBIA BELGRADE, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). All is calm in the zone of security has the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo after the entree into force, this Tuesday, of a cease-fire signs Monday by the Serb autorites and the Albanian separatists. The commander of the KFOR, general Carlo Cabigiosu provided certain details concerning the cease-fire. The forces of security unifiees of Serbia will enter self initially saying zone " C " of 25 km1/2. However the Serb soldiers do not have the right to enter the villages, to occupy the houses, to use the blinds, the launching pads of missiles and the weapons anti-tank device, as well as the helicopters and the mines. In same time, the commander has precise the cut off date of output of the Yugoslav soldiers of the zone of security, neither the number of the soldiers and police officers, nor the types of weapons of which the use will be autorisee. The Serb forces of security will be commandees by Belgrade, but " surveillees " by NATO and the European Union. The Serb vice-First minister Nebojsa Covic A declares Tuesday has Bujanovac that the document on a cease-fire was an agreement has share which did not have anything has to see with the agreement which discuss the radical Albanians and the political and military forces State.