THIS YEAR RUSSIA WILL NOT BORROW MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Andrei MALOSSOLOV /. This year Russia will occur from loans exterieurs to honour its engagements, A declares the vice-premiere minister Valentina Matvienko in his intervention has a conference consacree has the implementation of the social policy in the context of a modernization of the State. The State will have the means of paying its debt exterieure while engagements interieurs will be respect thanks to the exceptional receipts and also have the economic growth and have the new tax policy which will allow legaliser the incomes up to that point held " in the shade ", has it indicates. The vice-premiere minister estimates that the fall of oil on the market world did not reach its critical point. " Same if the barrel descended A 22 and same A 20 dollars, it would not be a catastrophe for the Russian budget ", has it underlines.