THE RUSSIAN SOLDIERS TAKE PART IN THE SOLENNITES OF THE 80E ANNIVERSARY OF FORCES ARMEES OF MONGOLIA ULAN-CBator, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Altman). A Russian military delegation is arrivee has Oulan-Bator to take part in the solennites of the 80e anniversary of the forces armees of Mongolia. She is led by general Alexandre Skvortsov, head assistant general staff of the Russian forces armees. The forces armees of Russia and Mongolia always maintained the friendly reports/ratios, A declares Alexandre Skvortsov. The Russian delegation will have meetings and talks with the Minister for the Defense of Mongolia Jougderdemidiyn Gourragtchei and the head of general staff Tserenbaljiyn Dachzeveg. The parts will examine the implementation of the military program of co-operation and technico-soldier between the two countries for this year. There will be the ceremony of handing-over to the Mongolian soldiers of the Russian medaille " For reinforcement of fraternity of weapons ".