READINGS DERJAVINE A THE UNIVERSITY OF SAINT-PETERSBOURG SAINT-PETERSBOURG, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dina Danilova). The sixiemes Derjavine readings opened has the University of Saint-Petersbourg. The head of the Slavic pulpit of philology Galina Krylova has advertisement that this time the annual scientific forum bearing the name of the Russian poet of the XVIII-3rd century Gavrila Derjavine east devotes has Bulgaria. This year the readings are dediees has the memory of their father, professor Vsevolod Andreiev (1929-2000), which during nearly a quarter century A directs the Slavic pulpit of philology of the University of Saint-Petersbourg. An exposure of scientific work of this large researcher Slavist will be held these days has the library of the Academy of Science of Russia. Scientists petersbourgeois as of the representants of the University of Plovdiv have ete invite has to take share has these demonstrations. The readings have ete inaugurees by the temporary consul general of Bulgaria has Saint-Petersbourg Gueorgui Karastamatov. Historians, ethnographes, critical litteraires and archeologists specialists of Bulgaria will take share has DEBATES on Bulgarian linguistics and the study of the traditional Slavic culture.