ONE REFORMS RADICAL RAIL-BOUND TRANSPORT IN PREPARATION IN RUSSIA MOSCOW March 13. (Ria " Novosti " Pavel Chevtsov). Reforms radical rail-bound transport will result in a regular operation and sOer, larger accessibilite and services of better quality, comes from declarer the Russian Minister for the transportation Communication channels Nikolai Aksenenko. Speaking has Douma (Lower House of the Parliament) within the framework of parliamentary hearings, minister A stresses that the modernization of the rail-bound transport will make it possible to drain complementary investments in the sector and to ensure the renovation of the hardware. According to the minister, reforms it consists of what the ministry for the transportation Communication channels (MVC) will cease gerer its own goods and to take up economic duties. The MVC will be limited have functions of official regulation and have the overall management of the railway sector. The open limited company " the Russian Railroads " (CFR) will be creee with economic function of subject. The goods of the railway sector will be privatises and the CFR will become owners of all the goods of the public companies and the organizations of the rail-bound transport. That being, the totality of the actions of the company will continue to belong has the State and could not be the subject of hard copy or sale. Reforms structural also supposes the deconnexion financial accounts of the traffic-goods beneficiaire and traffic-passengers deficitaire, A declares Nikolai Aksenenko.