FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROOM OF THE DEPUTES OF CYPRUS RELATIONS RUSSO-CHYPRIOTES EXPERIENCE A HAPPY DEVELOPMENT MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Venediktov). Being expressed in front of the journalists has the end of the meeting which it had with the president of the Council of the Federation Egor Stroiev, the president of the Room of the deputes of Cyprus Spyros Kyprianou A states that the Russo-Cypriot relations " experience a happy development ". " That relates to practically all the fields ", has it underlines. Spyros Kyprianou pointed out that its country conferait a great significance with the role plays by Russia in the Cypriot payment. During discussions which I had with the Council of the Federation, has it says, we felt the cordial feelings once again, the feelings of friendship and of solidarity which the Russians nourished has the regard of Cyprus. Of its dimension, Egor Stroiev A declares that Russia supported resolument and firmly Cyprus in its aspiration has the reunification.