RUSSIA IS INTERESSEE WITH THE PARTNERSHIP WITH DENMARK MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova, Kristina Rodrigues). Russia is interessee with the partnership with Denmark, A declares Tuesday the Minister Russian for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov by opening the talks with the head of Danish diplomacy Mogens Lykketoft. " We have all the possibilities necessary to intensify our reports/ratios, which is in conformity with the interests of the people of our countries ", A declares Igor Ivanov. The parts will discuss the development of the contacts Denmark with the areas the North-West Russia, in particular with the area of Leningrad, taking into account the widening of the European Union and owing to the fact that the presidency of this organization will be assumee by Denmark in the second 2002 half of. It is not excluded that the prospects for the co-operation between Moscow and Copenhagen in various economic fields are also abordees. It may be that the parts examine also the ways of extension of the trade and deepening of the bilateraux economic reports/ratios.