THE HEADS OF THE DIPLOMACIES RUSSIAN AND IRANIAN HAVE DISCUSSES THE MEASURES TO BE TAKEN TO SUCCEED A STABILIZATION AROUND AFGHANISTAN Moscow, 13 mars.(Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova). Igor Ivanov, Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, and its Iranian counterpart Kamal Kharrazi have studies measurements that Moscow and Teheran could take in order to stabilize the situation around Afghanistan. It is what has advertisement Tuesday the Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov has the exit of its discussions with the head of the Iranian diplomacy Kamal Kharrazi. Igor Ivanov pointed out that " the positions of Russia and Iran in the matter are convergent ". To take again the head of the Russian diplomacy, within the framework of the visit, the two ministers have exchange of the sights on international problems. More particularly, they are lean on the co-operation between Moscow and Teheran in the international arene, on the joint activities of Russia and Iran in the Caspian basin, in Central Asia, with the Caucasus and in the Persian Gulf. Igor Ivanov A announces that the parts had been appropriate to coordinate their efforts in order to ensure stability and the security in these areas.