RUSSIA AND IRAN WANT TO MAKE AND WILL MAKE ALL THEIR POSSIBLE SO THAT OUR REPORTS/RATIOS BILATERAUX ARE A A HIGH LEVEL MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova). Russia and Iran want to make and will make all their possible so that our bilateraux reports/ratios are has a high level, A declares Tuesday the Minister Russian for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov by opening the negotiations with its Iranian counterpart Kamal Kharrazi. " the reports/ratios will be developperont in all the fields which answer the interests of our countries ", A underlines the head of the Russian diplomacy. According to the minister, our reports/ratios are appeles has to stabilize the situation in the areas or Russia and Iran play a particular role. Ivanov stressed the declaration of Russian president Vladimir Poutine who said that the Russo-Iranian ratios were not direct against other countries. Moscow wants that " our reports/ratios are a factor of stability in the area and the world entier', said the Russian minister. Igor Ivanov A quotes a good example of co-operation Russo-Iranian woman in the payment intertadjik. The Iranian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres A qualifies the current visit of the president of his country has Moscow of " good, friendly and significant ". He A thanks the Russian part for the cordial greeting and the hospitalite. But it pointed out that " some commencaient has to misuse this visit ". Radio operator BBC A declares Tuesday that " Moscow and Teheran have sign several agreements in the field of the co-operation technico-soldier and nucleaire ", A underlines Kharrazi. That has ete declares well that " everyone saw the documents which have ete signs ", has it declares. Igor Ivanov said that it knew about these comments. The Russian minister estimates that Moscow and Teheran have sign a significant political document which A devotes the principles on which Russia and Iran will maintain their reports/ratios with the 21e century, within the framework of the Charter of the United Nations and the international law. According to Igor Ivanov, this document is in conformity with the documents signs at the top of the millenaire has New York.