THE FOREIGN MINISTER OF IRAN A MAKES SEVERAL PROPOSALS ABOUT THE STATUTE OF THE CASPIAN ONE MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova). The Foreign Minister of Iran Kamal Kharrazi made, during negotiations with his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov, several proposals about the statute of Caspian, has advertisement Tuesday with the journalists the head of the Russian diplomacy has the exit of the negotiations which it has qualifiees " very interessantes ". " We will continue the consultations to arrive at the agreements which will frayeront the path towards the node of the bordering States of Caspian ", said Igor Ivanov. This node is prevu for April the beginning of. According to the Russian minister, all the bordering countries test the necessite to have a legal base for the co-operation in the Caspian one. Evoking the current visit of president d' Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami in Russia, Igor Ivanov A announces qi' it " was in conformity with the interests of Moscow and Teheran, as well as has international and regional stability ". According to him, this visit is also very significant point of the co-operation of the two States on the international arene. In its turn, Kamal Kharrazi also has stresses that the co-operation between Iran and Russia aimed has to ensure economic stability in the area and that it was to be in conformity with the spots posees has our countries. According to him, this co-operation " is not dirigee against the other countries, whatever they are, its objectives are peace, the friendship, the development of the economic contacts in the area and the insurance of the free transfer of the energy resources ".