INAUGURATION OF A " RUSSIAN WEEK " A WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). An exposure of fabrics of the Russian painter Nikolai Timkov is held with the siege of the Organization of the States americains (OAS) has Washington. Its varnishing has mark the official opening of the " Russian Week " which since six years already deroule in the buildings of this international organization. The secretary-general by interim of the OAS Luigi Eimaudi and the ambassador of Russia in the United States Youri Ouchakov spoke at the time of the inaugural ceremony. Youri Ouchakov A stresses that Russia attached much price has its relations with the OAS, considerant this international organization like a forum inedit for the co-operation in several sectors of importance, of which regional stability, the humans right, the fight against the stupefiants, the repression of terrorism. Ambassador A in addition announces that the Russian government had decide to allot this year 25 purses for the formation in Russia of specialists of these countries. Trente-quatre country of Americas of North and the South, whose United States and Canada, are members of the OAS. It is in 1992 that Russia received the statute of permanent observer within this organization, and since it takes share regularly has this work.