RUSSIA PAYS A VERY GREAT ATTENTION A THE TECHNICAL PROTECTION OF INSTALLATIONS AGAINST THE TERRORISTS VORONEJ, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian ministry of the Interior pays a great attention has the protection of the installations of strategic importance against the possible attacks, A underlines has its press conference the Minister of Interior Department Vladimir Rouchailo on a journey of inspection has Voronej (an old city situee in the center of Russia). The protection of these installations is prevue by the plan of operations antiterrorists lancees by the font in the whole of Russia. Vladimir Rouchailo who has visit the day before the power station nucleaire of Voronej A declares that it was interessait initially with the safety measures taken in this power station. " I had a good impression ", has it says. The ministry for the Interior and the federal Service of security make all their possible to ensure the safety entiere has this kind of installations necessitant an increased attention.