OUTPUT EXTRAVEHICULAIRE FOR THE ASTRONAUTS CENTER CONTROL OF the FLIGHTS (area of Moscow), March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). This Tuesday has 08h30, the astronauts of the shuttle " Discovery " Andrew Thomas and Paul Richard left the international orbiting station (ISS) and would owe the reintegrer later four hours. They will verifieront the solidite fixings which maintain the new module of transport " Leonardo " on the wall exterieure of the ISS, will realiseront several operations of assembly and will controleront the operation of the elements of the station. The astronauts will prepareront on a structure exterieure of the station a site intends has to receive new radio and teleantennes satellite, which later on will allow the ground stations continuation to enter in communication with the ISS has any hour of the day or the night. Presentement the orbit of the station enters sometimes zones or this communication is impossible. The mission " Dioscovery " has edge of the ISS should end on March 18 and its return on ground is prevu for the 20.