THE PRIORITY SPOT OF THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR EAST TO FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM AND THE CRIME ORGANIZES VORONEJ, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The spots posees by Russian president Vladimir Poutine with the legal structures in 2001 are not distinguished much from those of the year derniere, A declares the Minister Russian for the Interior Vladimir Rouchailo which east arrives has Voronej (administrative center locates at the South of Moscow) to make an inspection. The fight counters the most serious crimes - terrorism, the crime organizes, the traffic of weapons and explosives - remains the priority spot, A underlines the Minister of Interior Department. This year, of same that the year derniere, a great importance is accordee has the fight against the economic crimes, said Rouchailo. According to him, the spot posee by the president is partially accomplished: the year derniere, more than 376 000 crimes of an economic nature have ete reveles, that is to say 23,9 % more than in 1999. Successes have ete record in another priority orientation of the activity of the ministry for the Interior: the fight counters the traffic of drug, pointed out the minister. The year derniere, more than 46 000 tons of stupefiants, psychotropic and toxic substances strong have ete seized, that is to say 12,6 % more than in 1999. The increase on behalf of the very toxic stupefiants causes a inquietude. The year derniere, the font seized approximately 800 kg of heroin, A underlines Vladimir Rouchailo.