THE STATES OF THE CASPIAN BASIN WILL CONTINUE " THE SHARING " OF THE CASPIAN SEA MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The representant special one of the Russian president for the Caspian one and vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Viktor Kalioujni, went has Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan or the second round of the negotiations on the problem of the definition of the legal statute of Caspian will take place Tuesday. To find a principle methodologic making it possible to define oneself-saying it line mediane modifiee which will share the bottom of Caspian between Russia and Kazakhstan will be in the center of these negotiations. The agreement on the trace of this line appears in an agreement signs in 1998 by the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Poutine and Noursoultan Nazarbaiev. It will be already the second stage in the solution of the problem of the definition of the new statute of Caspian, A declares Viktor Kalioujni before his departure for Astana. The position of Moscow and Astana face has the solution of this problem is practically similar. Russia and Kazakhstan propose to share sea-bed between all the countries of the Caspian basin while following the line mediane modifiee, the water level of Caspian having to be has the provision of all the countries concern. After the recent visit of Vladimir Poutine has Bakou, Azerbaidjan A accepts this solution of the problem, which was prononcait up to now in favour of the sharing of sea-bed and the water level in national sectors, on the basis of the line mediane modifiee. As for Iran, it insists on what the Caspian one either has the provision of all the countries, if not it should be partagee in national sectors, or 20% for each bordering country. All recently still, this standpoint was partagee by Achkhabad. But has the recent meeting of the working groups loads of the Caspian behaviour in January has Teheran on the level of the vice-ministers for the Businesses etrangeres Turkmenistan A gives has to understand that it could accept the position of Moscow, Astana and Bakou. With the negotiations has Astana, the interlocutors will have moreover to examine the problems of the membership of certain litigious points locate on the septentrional continental shelf of the Caspian one. They will study in particular the principle which would make it possible to define the statute of the three islands revendiquees by Russia and Kazakhstan. They will examine also the preparation has a node of the heads of the States of the Caspian basin prevu for April.