THE RUSSIAN MINISTER FOR BUSINESSES ETRANGERES WILL BELONG TO THE NEGOTIATIONS WITH HIS DANISH COUNTERPART MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Glouchakova). The Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Igor Ivanov, will hold Tuesday of the negotiations with his Danish counterpart Mogens Lykketoft in visit two days in the Russian capital. According to the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, the problems of strategic stability in the context of the americains projects of anti-missile shield, the place and the role which will take the radar americain there installs in the Danish island of Greenland will be in the center of these negotiations. According to Moscow, if Denmark agrees to it, it is likely to be made entrainer in a process which can cause the strategic rupture of balance. The standpoint of Moscow face has this problem remains inchangee: the deployment of the anti-missile shield would have a negative impact on the international reports/ratios, have underlines the diplomats. As for Mogens Lykketoft, it A declares the day before has RIA " Novosti " that Copenhagen considerait as very significant that the United States belongs to the consultations on the problems of anti-missile defense not only with NATO, but also with Russia and China. It said that it had expresses this standpoint to the recent consultations has Washington with the new administration americaine. And yet, Copenhagen can say yet neither or nor not has the idee of the United States of deployer the anti-missile shield as long as the projects of its creation do not become concrete any more, and that all the political circumstances of this question are not clear. The interlocutors will debattront in addition to the international problems of actualite of which the situation in Balkans. RIA " Novosti " learned from a diplomatic source has Moscow that if the Danish minister souleve the relative question has the policy of Moscow in the Caucasus of North, it will receive all the explanations. This same source has rappele that the Danish mediae often raised this problem. Both minister will also speak about the development of the relations between Denmark and the Russian areas of the North-West of which the area of Kaliningrad. According to the source, a particuliere attention will have to be attachee has the widening of the European Union, and also has the presidency of Denmark has the UE prevue for second six-month period 2002. Moscow carries a particular interest has the policy of Copenhagen in the Baltic States, and also with the energetic support of Denmark has their adhesion has NATO. Russia intends to express once again its negative attitude vis-a-vis with the projects of widening of NATO towards the East. No document must be sign has the exit of these negotiations. According to the interlocutors, it will not be absolutely necessary of accelerer work to the new draft agreements on the fight against the crime organizes and the financial transactions illegales, to establish a co-operation in the emergency situations.